Chichen Itza:
Lightworkers – It’s time to step up

Original Message – May 24, 2016

Channelled conversation between Kelly (K) and the Mayans (M)



M: Our lives appear long and our days are short. We don’t have the withstanding to grasp the complete picture.

We just find little fragments of a greater and bigger puzzle and with what limited information we have we try and piece together the truth.

We spend our days fighting and conquering misery, self-destruction, and self-annihilation in order to find peace, fulfillment, harmony, love, and gratitude. Our days are so short and we are grasping for any little bit of truth that makes us feel fulfilled, complete, and whole. When really we are already whole, complete, and divine. Like beings covered in darkness, misery, Maya, and illusion we are unable to see past the matter and goo.

We search outside of ourselves for something deeper and sweeter when really it’s inside and we had it all along.

Humanity is wrestling in the darkness, fighting amongst themselves with wars, turmoil’s, and inner battles. Because it’s a choice, they have decided to run with the darkness in the polarity of the world. You can choose dark or you can choose light. We no longer need to choose that misery or inner turmoil because as equally present inside us is that deep spark of light and love, peace, harmony, blessings, deep fulfillment, gratitude, and connection.

Whatever our heart’s desire is plentiful not just in our original home but also on this earth.

If we can just change the channel and choose that program, it comes down to a simple choice most of us don’t make and live in victimhood blaming others, blaming themselves, acting like there is not other way when deep down inside they know there is. They wouldn’t feel that bad if they didn’t know there was something better, they would be complacent in their misery and not in pain.

They know there is something greater that is why we have inner turmoil.

Choose love and light with every thought and interaction, being less attached to the ego, wanting things our way, controlling, acting like there is a lack or no abundance. A certain thing we desire is the only way we can get it so we push, hold on, control, manipulate go against our integrity and we create inner turmoil and resistance instead of just surrendering and allowing, taking a deep breath, just being and allowing all good to flow to us like a river flowing, flowing, flowing…

We will see the good in everything when we are not attached, we have our dreams and desires and we have an inner excitement knowing that in divine timing and due diligence of us controlling our minds, emotions and thoughts our dreams and desires will make themselves known to us.

Being an example amongst other people will allow you to inspire, be teachers and leaders, and show and remind others of the light they have inside them.

No matter how much light they have inside there is just as much darkness even if it isn’t making its way known.

As we live in duality and in polarity, what goes up comes down, when there is dark there is light, fire and water, earth and sky. Those that remember and don’t look at the world with separation remember we are all connected, that we are all light beings making our way with blinded eyes in this dense world that equally has a lot of beauty and the ability to fulfill our desires.

Those that always hold the connection, the inner knowing, bigger, greater, higher, more connected, and greater perspective no matter what is going on and no matter who is around them, are the ones that live in nirvana, obtain moksha, that are enlightened and that have achieved the highest honor of being a human.

Those that continue to fight with the ego and the mind and let it enslave them will continue to be separated, miserable, driven by their emotions and desires with no control over them. Being victims in their own life, blaming the world, they will never be happy and will never cause happiness they just cause death, destruction and misery to those around them.

By taking the other perspective, and as more of us in the world take that perspective as a collective consciousness, we create more light, raising the vibration and lowering density in the world. We take it upon ourselves with the message, knowing, readiness and connection to step up as light workers, transformational leaders, inspirers slaying the dragon of darkness as it constantly approaches us and is always present by our feet threatening it’s next move.

We have the tools, courage, readiness and strength to slay the dragon and rise up as leaders in the Aquarian age, the Golden age. We are the ones we have been waiting for, we are here we have arrived we are now we are here.

Our strength in numbers will surmount anything that existed in the lower vibrations and realms. They feel the threat they fight back and know the darkness is not stronger than light.

Light is stronger than darkness and will always prevail whether it’s through this life or another life it will eventually always prevail.

Darkness is removed by light, our light will take over and outshine any aspects of darkness that be within us as we do the work to continue to keep the dark fragments of ourselves at bay never to take over, honoring and respecting that darkness will never overtake that we know better that we are believers, that have strength just as the Mayans together as a group shone their light so strong, they knew they learned and they lived this truth.

The high ones together as a group were very powerful. Powerful enough to command the elements such as the wind, fire, and rain. This small group of high teachers and spiritual leaders could command their body, appearing at two places at once, disappearing when they needed to, not eating, taking sustenance from air, sunlight and moonlight.

They left his knowledge imprinted in different civilizations and manuscripts, stories, fables, word of mouth through their ancestors. And so it is.

K: Thank you for the message is there anything important for us to strengthen our mission as light workers?

M: Yes keep looking forward don’t let any distractions like a snake try to knock you off your path, they will come so continually stay focused on the gold temple, golden light in the distance visible over the peak of the mountain. Stay focused and like one step on a ladder you’ll continue to climb and climb until you reach this golden kingdom.

K: Are we able to have abundance in health, relationships, and finance as we continue on our path?

M: Yes you can be abundant in any way you want there is plenty as long as you keep your energy in a state that allows you to attract this abundance and you should receive it but coming from a place of fear or lack whether its your own fear or fear from others will block it.

Be open to receive as you continue to serve and give while setting boundaries using your intuition to know who to give to and be in a state of service all the time. Ask ‘how can I serve?’ not ‘how can I receive?’. Change the question to ‘how can I serve?’ not ‘how can I get?’ or ‘how can I receive?’. Serve the divine in you, the divine in others the divine earth. Serve humanity, mankind, your ancestors, saints before you, gurus, god, how can you serve them all?

K: Is it possible for us to get divine gifts from you that will help serve our mission when we leave and that will allow us to be grounded in our lives? Can you charge us energetically and allow us to intuitively see more clearly in situations and in ourselves with less density?

M: Yes we can come with you and inspire you and empower you for as long as we feel you need, like guardian angels. Remember you have your guides and angels with you so ask them embark on your journey and help you. We can come help and show you things from a different perspective that is always there that you may not have seen before.

K: Please follow us and be with us today only those of love and light giving us more strength allowing us to see the invisible when we need to in a way that is safe and comfortable and also pushes the boundaries. Can you please leave us with a sense of peace, strength, radiance, grace, all knowingness, bliss, and love. Can you please bring and amplify that in our lives.

M: Yes.

Can you please lift us higher allow us to fly energetically.

M: Yes.

Can you keep us safe from danger and allow us to have more strength over the lower dense world, can you give us wings?

M: Yes.

Can you bring love and connection and fulfillment in greater quantities into our life.

M: Yes.

Are there any other final messages?

M: Step up, the time is now, you are the ones you’ve been waiting for. Whatever you are inspiring to do that serves the good of all and humanity, step up and do it. You don’t need to wait, the time is now, you have the power and strength and backing of all the forces in material plane and away from the material plane.

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