Why is it that we feel we need to fight for the things we want in life? What if we could attract the things we desire in a more aligned and effortless way? This is not to say to not put in the effort or have a clear intention. Rather what I’m questioning is why do we fight so hard to get some things whereas other things come so easily?

Have you ever noticed you fight to hard or work so hard to get something and when you get it, it’s either a quick buzz then it’s over or you realize that it was purely ego driven. This has happened to me more commonly when I’ve wanted a goal for a while due to seeing other people have it such as a job with certain work conditions, or getting a certain time at a triathlon. By the time I get it I feel like it’s either an old goal that I’ve moved on or it’s purely ego driven so the high I get it is all mental vs heart-centered and short-lived. Plus I’ve noticed most other people that I thought would be impressed don’t even care.

Have you also noticed that when you achieve your heart-centered goals such as attracting certain friendships, relationships, jobs etc the feeling is peacefulness, bliss and alignment. That’s because you experience what is already inside, the outside event is triggering what already exists within you.

Whereas when you achieve an ego goal such a relationships, connection, job, sporting achievement you notice that the high or good feeling mostly comes from the mind. You feel more busy, energized and on a mind high. It’s a totally different feeling. Usually these goals you have hustled to get vs attracted effortlessly.

My question again is why do we fight and struggle? There is a programming in society based on hustle and working hard which is based on fear, competition and scarcity premises. Whereas the more conscious approach based on love, connection and abundance, promotes attracting what you desire instead. In this reality you take inspired action to bring your goals into your life in a more smooth way without all the hustle and fighting to get it.

Over the past 4 years I have fought to live in the US, going through visa stress, waiting over a year to get a drivers license etc. Whereas when I lived in Canada there was no fight, I had more rights and everything legally flowed to lived there. In the past I’ve also fought over getting jobs, trapped in the competitive spirit and ego of getting a senior high paying role. Then other jobs I’ve attracted without even showing a CV just through word of mouth and have been some of the best roles and contracts I’ve ever had.

So I invite you to reflect on what are you currently fighting for in your life?

Is this goal coming from ego or heart-centered reasons?

When you have achieved something similar did you experience the rewards as rushed energy in the mind or peaceful energy in the heart that felt totally aligned?

Is there another goal you could aim for that would not require such a fight and intuitively feels more right for you to follow?

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